March 03, 2021
This is just a recap of my stream on, where I played Cities: Skylines live. This isn’t my first city, but the third one that I build online. While chatting with my viewers and having a great time. Laughing and talking about my new grandbaby and other silly life experiences. I thought I would share a few screenshots of our adventures.
I must bring to your attention that this game has been around since 2015, and lots of people play this game differently. There are things called Mods that help you play or design your cities with player-made content. Some examples that are commonly used are traffic manager, moveit mode and others. However, when I play I don’t use these things. I play what other players call vanilla mode. The way the game designers, released the game. I don’t mind the modded community at all. I watch them work on their cities’ like seasoned pros. I am just starting out with this game. (about 2 years now) I really want to learn it before adding the cool mods that I mentioned earlier.
Game Play
Building cities in Cities: Skylines require traffic management, citizen happiness, transportation for people without cars. There is also the management of resources like water, electricity. Let us not forget, health services, fire, education, and burial services. This game requires planning and thinking out how to manage your city with all these things in mind.
The fun part about playing this game with my community is that I have regulars that visit my stream and hang out with me sometimes laughing at my rookie mistakes and how I sometimes manage to fix traffic from 75 % to 92% with simple solutions.
Here are a few more pictures of my stream on March 3, 2021.

After several hours of streaming live ( 5 hours ), this is the end result of my city. Keep in mind this was interrupted by trips to the bathroom, petting Ralph, live on stream. and enjoying links of artwork and good conversation. This game is so much fun!

I hope to continue to show the progress of my city, over the next few streams. I hope you enjoy this blog post as much as I do.
Please feel free to stop by my stream and say hello. – It is a great place to meet new people and talk live while being entertained via yours truly. I try to stream this game on Tues and Thurs around 6 or 7 pm, and I usually play other games on Sunday.
Meanwhile, please enjoy your 95% traffic jam free city taxes of 12%.
Sincerely , your Mayor , of Los Mia. <– name to be changed via views later.