The Kiss – By Little DarlingI hope you enjoy it. Originally Posted sometime in 1999 – Just before I started College. This was written when I was a receptionist at my ole job. (I fixed…
Category: Humour
A collection of things I have found amusing to me or funny, for you to enjoy
Raiding Tired
The morning after, let me explain. Ok. like I said in the video, I was playing really badly. I was not really alert and was making lots of rookie mistakes like- not moving when I…
Addicted Much?
Funny conversation with my best friend Jackie about gameplay. Humour
Online Story Generator
Silly online story generator that some website designer dreamed up. I thought it was amusing so I decided to share with you all.
A Real Man
A real man is a woman’s best friend. He will never stand her up and never let her down. He will reassure her when she feels insecure and comfort her after a bad day. He…