Just another April 1st for me, I started my day with my normal routine, make a cup of tea then messing around facebook, then I play some of country life meadows game. Today, I after laughing at the Jazza newest video on YouTube, drinking my tea, and laughing I decided to see what my newest passion twitch was doing.
I feel like a creeper cause most of the twitch streamers I watch “are young folk”, like www.twitch.tv/seejay52

I found him one day, looking for streamers on my new realm ‘Area 52’ where Tiaomi and Shalie now live. He is an epic tank, who does high-level mythic keys, that I am too scared to go into. He reminds me of a friend I went to high school with who I will not name. He is fun to watch and when he smiles he lights up the world. So I really enjoy his streams.
Well, he was between, doing giveaways mythic dungeons with friends, and I thought I would log into Tiaomi, to see her on his stream. We are on the same server so I thought why not. So I got to where he was and of course, I didn’t see him. cause his group he was in had him off the server. So I decided to stay online and look around but not really do anything.
I am a bit disenchanted with my Hordie toons these days, I should blog about that later in another post. So I have been levelling a new toon on Lightbringer – Alliance. A hunter named Miagrowl, you can check her progress by clicking her name.
When out of nowhere some dude opened trade with me and gave me 5000g. I wasn’t talking to him .. I wasn’t asking anyone for gold nothing. and I think it was a random act of kindness. We started talking, but no after I randomly insulted him first. After receiving the gold, I asked him if he was new to the server, and was buying friends. I didn’t mean it to be that mean, I just have a warped sense of humour. I noticed that Facesitta was from the same guild as Seejay52, and I just told his twitch stream my toons name and said hi. So I thought he was pranking me. However, after talking a bit longer, I found out that he just joined his guild only 20 minutes prior. He asked me to show him my favourite pet and I showed him Happy, the real start in my picture above, and he made him bigger. Too funny.
You know the other day. I got some love for Miagrowl too. The other day, I got 4 (30 slot bags) and 10 something gold for epic flying, it was from dancewdots as a thank you for her joining the guild Registered Trademark, and her new friends over on Lightbringer. I joined this server because of another twitch steamer, Jonnysweatpants. Asked me to come to play with him, I am a bit excited too do that because they are a long established guild and have mature players, just what I need.
Wow. I tell ya, I am meeting the nicest people out there online, is way too sweet! I do love the Wow and twitch community they make me feel loved. Thanks, guys!